Feb 18 2025
129 - Coffee, Cobots, and Coding
Jem & Justin chat Moccamasters, bad millennial design, and coffee snobbery. They cover AirShop updates, YouTube milestones, and a barrel polishing query. Plus, Vention's new sanding cobot, post-processor woes, Cursor coding tips, and the joys of TextExpander. Laura's back on payroll, profit distribution fixed. Watch on YoutubeDISCUSSED:✍️ Comment or Suggest a Topic - New voice message optionMoccamaster makes better coffee than I used toHello Linda Thanks for all you that inquired about AirShopShandy Vention Sanding Robot Turnkey - website2025 PF spready upgrade ꘎New income goal, new accounts, new fixed distribution amounts, 11 months in. ꘎Added Laura back on the team officiallyJonny post-processor gold star!Getting cursor chat to talk to cursor composer? HelpTerrible LLM emails this weekNew prompt tuning to compensate, still crap.PS2 rides shotgun ꘎Slow steppers ꘎PS2 to States in – Tuesday, 13 May 2025Barrel tumbling whelp ꘎Chapters00:00 Jazzy Hands03:19 Mother-in-law Coffee Experts07:54 Launching New Ventures and Community Engagement10:51 YouTube Success and Content Creation16:34 Automation in Manufacturing and CNC Challenges22:22 AI Post-maker27:00 Navigating Post-Issue Challenges28:07 Understanding Cursor: Chat vs. Composer30:03 The Importance of Context in Coding32:03 Dictation and Its Impact on Productivity34:48 Degradation of AI Models: A Recent Concern38:01 Managing Memory in AI Agents39:53 Setting Up a Local Coding Environment43:00 Progress on the PS2 Project44:33 Timeline for Production and Shipping48:35 Spreadsheet Management and Payroll Insights51:25 Elevator Ding.mp3---Profit First PlaylistClassic Episodes Playlist---SUPPORT THE SHOWBecome a Patreon - Get the Secret ShowReview on Apple Podcast Share with a FriendDiscuss on Show SubredditShow InfoShow WebsiteContact Jem & JustinInstagram | Tiktok | Facebook |