Parts Department

Justin Brouillette & Jem Freeman

Justin Brouillette (Portland CNC) & Jem Freeman (Like Butter) discuss CNC machines, their product design and manufacturing businesses, and every kind of tool that they fancy. Show Website - read less


133 - Derogatory cabinets
Mar 17 2025
133 - Derogatory cabinets
Justin and Jem discuss the challenges of running small manufacturing businesses - from unexpected CNC E-stops to the stress of public holidays when you're behind on cash flow. They share their experiences with production documentation, hiring/firing employees, and the constant iteration of products and processes. The conversation covers new materials for Like Butter's Kitta Parts, shipping station improvements, and the potential (and limitations) of 3D scanning for custom work.Watch on YoutubeDISCUSSED:✍️ Comment or Suggest a Topic - New voice message optionWhoops - Justin published day early on accidentWatching a truck wreckHiring: can't imagine ... then ⠄Justin's got that new Pod CamSuzie helping ꘎Bad Replika AI, "I am useful!"Low point weekend ꘎Fuggen public holidaysTrapped vibesNew dowel stock!Slow here too - worst weekly sales in memoryAudacity Micro "Self Robot"Cobot vs Humanoid?Shipping Area RevisionLove my text chat ꘎Succumb to filthy vanilla cabinetmaking to fill gaps ꘎Block script success ꘎Dispatch standup ꘎00:00 Slow motion truck crash01:46 Production Process and Material Changes04:17 Jem's New Stick06:58 Hiring and Employee Management09:46 Documentation and Process Standardization14:40 Fire as well as you hire17:53 Public Holidays and Work-Life Balance27:05 Navigating Business Pressures and Personal Well-being29:11 Unexpected Sales and Client Relationships31:51 The Challenges of Product Sales vs. Custom Work34:24 Exploring AI and Automation in Business36:13 Software Tools for Cabinet Making38:43 Improving Shipping and Dispatch Processes50:44 Enhancing Customer Experience and Feedback54:15 The Future of 3D Scanning and Its Applications---Profit First PlaylistClassic Episodes Playlist---SUPPORT THE SHOWBecome a Patreon - Get the Secret ShowReview on Apple Podcast Share with a FriendDiscuss on Show SubredditShow InfoShow WebsiteContact Jem & JustinInstagram | Tiktok | Facebook | YoutubePlease note: Show notes contains affiliate links.HOSTSJem...
131 - Beeswax, Brushes, and Bathroom Heat
Mar 4 2025
131 - Beeswax, Brushes, and Bathroom Heat
Jem and Justin chat about shop improvements, from Justin's new dust boot designs to Jem's successful tumbling solution using local beeswax polish. They discuss business challenges like Justin's Shopify glitch that blocked dust boot sales and Jem's Profit First distribution adjustments. Tech talk includes Claude 3.7's capabilities, AI-powered research, and Jem replacing a $350 review app with custom code. The episode wraps with Justin's bathroom heater installation and Jem's table tennis upgrades.Watch on YoutubeDISCUSSED:✍️ Comment or Suggest a Topic - New voice message optionBlocked Add to Cart Crisis ⠄ - bug finderKittaConfig BetaBuy Fucking camera for podcastPopped a Line - YCMOops PF no profit ꘎Tumbling bees wax sloppy good ꘎AI ZONENew Claude 3.7! Party ꘎One shot config rework attempt, unfair?Saved $350 and coded a replacement in an hour ꘎Deep Research 👀 ⠄Hours and hours in cursor this week ꘎Slowwwwww cash cowsIMPROVEMENT OF THE WEEKJUSTIN - HEATERJEM - TABLE TENNIS00:00 Potato CAM 4 Lyfe01:17 Product Development and Prototyping Insights04:23 Sales Trends and Market Analysis06:33 Website Functionality and Customer Experience09:18 Coding Practices and Version Control12:23 Financial Management and Profit Strategies16:46 Shopify Add to Cart Nightmare24:27 Financial Priorities: Paying Yourself First24:56 Machine Maintenance: The Importance of Listening30:51 Innovative Solutions: Using Technology in the Workshop33:40 AI in Manufacturing: Exploring New Tools39:33 Building Custom Solutions: The Value of DIY47:21 Shop Improvements: Enhancing the Workspace---Profit First PlaylistClassic Episodes Playlist---SUPPORT THE SHOWBecome a Patreon - Get the Secret ShowReview on Apple Podcast Share with a FriendDiscuss on Show SubredditShow InfoShow WebsiteContact Jem & Justin
129 - Coffee, Cobots, and Coding
Feb 18 2025
129 - Coffee, Cobots, and Coding
Jem & Justin chat Moccamasters, bad millennial design, and coffee snobbery. They cover AirShop updates, YouTube milestones, and a barrel polishing query. Plus, Vention's new sanding cobot, post-processor woes, Cursor coding tips, and the joys of TextExpander. Laura's back on payroll, profit distribution fixed.    Watch on YoutubeDISCUSSED:✍️ Comment or Suggest a Topic - New voice message optionMoccamaster makes better coffee than I used toHello Linda Thanks for all you that inquired about AirShopShandy Vention Sanding Robot Turnkey - website2025 PF spready upgrade ꘎New income goal, new accounts, new fixed distribution amounts, 11 months in. ꘎Added Laura back on the team officiallyJonny post-processor gold star!Getting cursor chat to talk to cursor composer? HelpTerrible LLM emails this weekNew prompt tuning to compensate, still crap.PS2 rides shotgun ꘎Slow steppers ꘎PS2 to States in – Tuesday, 13 May 2025Barrel tumbling whelp ꘎Chapters00:00 Jazzy Hands03:19 Mother-in-law Coffee Experts07:54 Launching New Ventures and Community Engagement10:51 YouTube Success and Content Creation16:34 Automation in Manufacturing and CNC Challenges22:22 AI Post-maker27:00 Navigating Post-Issue Challenges28:07 Understanding Cursor: Chat vs. Composer30:03 The Importance of Context in Coding32:03 Dictation and Its Impact on Productivity34:48 Degradation of AI Models: A Recent Concern38:01 Managing Memory in AI Agents39:53 Setting Up a Local Coding Environment43:00 Progress on the PS2 Project44:33 Timeline for Production and Shipping48:35 Spreadsheet Management and Payroll Insights51:25 Elevator Ding.mp3---Profit First PlaylistClassic Episodes Playlist---SUPPORT THE SHOWBecome a Patreon - Get the Secret ShowReview on Apple Podcast Share with a FriendDiscuss on Show SubredditShow InfoShow WebsiteContact Jem & JustinInstagram | Tiktok | Facebook |
127 - Robot tour therapy
Feb 4 2025
127 - Robot tour therapy
From nesting software shenanigans to exploring robot-filled shops, Jem and Justin navigate the chaos of running machine businesses. Justin tours a fantastic robot automation shop. They tackle everything from the Bambu firmware mess to pencil sharpener prototypes, while Justin shares his therapy journey. Between testing new productivity tools and fighting cash flow battles, they keep it real about January's challenges and the constant juggle of growth. A classic episode of shop talk meets real life, with a dash of productivity theater and price increase contemplation.    Watch on YoutubeDISCUSSED:✍️ Comment or Suggest a Topic - New voice message optionNesting storiesOpenNestBlockEditRhinonest / RhinocamThe sicknessShare Cart link80/20 Ideabuilder Extrusion configYoutube – I toured a robot workshop (😍)First Cuts on PS2 Pencil SharpenerBambu Firmware fiascoDeepSeek R1Productivity Theatre Quote Register Nonsense ꘎Justin gets a therapistUpdate Shottr ?! - annoying fellowRaycastBonkers good JanShort Week, Still BehindCash Flow StrugglesConsidering a Weekend SaleUpcoming Price IncreasesAuto Tape machinesChapters00:00 New Year Vibes01:38 Design Software Chat04:27 Cool Configurators07:22 Work-Life Balance09:41 Sick Days12:22 Workflow Tools15:06 Online Product Setup17:39 Extrusion Builds20:10 First Cuts21:38 3D Print Talk22:42 Bambu Drama25:32 AI & Sim Theory29:33 Business Talk30:58 January Numbers34:44 Marketing Tips37:07 Productivity Tools41:25 Therapy Real Talk43:52 Raycast---Profit First PlaylistClassic Episodes Playlist---SUPPORT THE SHOWBecome a Patreon - Get the Secret ShowReview on Apple Podcast Share with a FriendDiscuss on Show SubredditShow InfoShow Website
122 - Blue Unicorns & Task List Trauma
Dec 17 2024
122 - Blue Unicorns & Task List Trauma
Jem and Justin discuss Mac hardware trends in machining, share their perpetual task management struggles, and explore workshop innovations.  A bike-fluencer emerges, they debate Shopify's AI assistant, and using smart lighting for production notifications.Watch on YoutubeDISCUSSED:Next: Year Wrap Episode - Send in here!Your Themes / Plans for next year!M4 Mac MiniFusion BenchmarkJapanese Wooden Satellite ⠄Decommissioned satellites must re-enter the atmosphere to avoid becoming space debris. Conventional metal satellites create aluminium oxide particles during re-entry, but wooden ones would just burn up with less pollution, Doi said.Something wrong with me, latest note taking sagaNegative or normalGetting Things DoneDay Plan - NackBest AI Tool Ever - I grow weary, and her time is perilously short 🤣First brand deal - Tern OroxParenting is hard AF sometimes ꘎3D Print tip - slice by object ⠄GPT-o1 tries to escape ⠄When the model was led to believe it would be "shut down" while working toward its goals in these tests, it quietly attempted to deactivate the oversight mechanism 5% of the time, OpenAI said. At one point after the AI found documentation saying it would be replaced by a new model, it tried to abandon ship by copying its data to a new server entirely. To avoid being deleted, some AI models would even pretend to be later versions of their models to trick their developers, what I assume is the equivalent of slapping on a fake moustache and saying "he went that-a-way."Shopify Sidekick ⠄PS2 modular milling machine---Profit First PlaylistClassic Episodes Playlist---SUPPORT THE SHOWBecome a Patreon - Get the Secret ShowReview on Apple Podcast Share with a FriendDiscuss on Show SubredditShow Info
119 - Conical Chamfering
Nov 26 2024
119 - Conical Chamfering
Jem and Justin celebrate the launch of ThreadBoard! They script a new chat box and let an AI agent control their workspace computer. Claude tries using the configurator, and they find Qwen2.5 Coder 32B is way less lazy than GPT-4o. They tackle measuring and QC’ing ThreadBoard chamfers, possibly with a conical chamfer probe. There’s a follow-up on the Jet HVBS, Patrick from Douglas Fir Design asks about AI voice chat models, Vertical Calendars are in jeopardy, PDX CNC announces an End of Year Upgrade Sale, and they chat about laser engraving.Watch on YoutubeDISCUSSED:✍️ Send Comments on EpisodeThreadBoard is live!New chat box scripted! Keeping score.Workspace computer controlled by AI agent Claude tries to use the configurator Qwen2.5 Coder 32B way less lazy than GPT4o How to measure and QC ThreadBoard chamfers!?conical chamfer probe? Jet HVBS Follow-up ⠄Patrick (Douglas Fir Design) asks about other AI voice chat models? - Haven't tried but seems promising - Nomi.aiVertical Calendars in jeopardyPDX CNC End of Year Upgrade SaleLaser engraving - xTool F1JOIN THE BOOK CLUBThe Perfectionists: How Precision Engineers Created the Modern World---Profit First PlaylistClassic Episodes Playlist---SUPPORT THE SHOWBecome a Patreon - Get the Secret ShowReview on Apple Podcast Share with a FriendDiscuss on Show SubredditShow InfoShow WebsiteContact Jem & JustinInstagram | Tiktok | Facebook | YoutubePlease note: Show notes contains affiliate links.HOSTSJem FreemanCastlemaine, Victoria, AustraliaLike Butter |
118 - Heavy Couch Work
Nov 18 2024
118 - Heavy Couch Work
Jem and Justin cover a lot in this episode! Justin’s been working on Zapier SMS magic for show notes, while Jem dives into pricing blocks for the upcoming ThreadBoard launch. They also chat about using Easy CSV Editor and dynamic HTML configurators. Will Justin fire as Jem tunes out the BOM, and they discuss after-hours work and gift-giving—with Justin making custom gift boxes for a special carbide gift. They wrap up by comparing web chat vs. text chat, exploring custom pop-ups, and finishing their thoughts on Extreme Ownership.Watch on YoutubeDISCUSSED:✍️ Send Comments on EpisodeJustin made Zapier SMS magic for show notesCSV - What use this junk for!? Easy CSV EditorThreadBoard Launch Product launch accountability ThreadBoard ꘎Making pricing blocks in Rhino for ThreadBoard and more productsIs Nack back?Making HTML configurators - dynamic wall sizeI love Cody for VS CodeWill Justin fire me!?!?!? Jem has stopped listening to the BOMHow much after hours work do you do? ꘎Giftgiving - Justin making gift boxes for that special carbide giftPodium SMSWeb chat vs text chat - direct contact experimentCustom pop up for chat boxLabels, CSV, data merging with Dymo app - PDX CNC VideoDebrief field ꘎Product revision trackingFinishing up: Extreme OwnershipLeading up the chain---Profit First PlaylistClassic Episodes Playlist---SUPPORT THE SHOWBecome a Patreon - Get the Secret ShowReview on Apple Podcast Share with a FriendDiscuss on Show SubredditShow InfoShow WebsiteContact Jem & JustinInstagram | Tiktok | Facebook | YoutubePlease note: Show notes contains affiliate links.HOSTSJem FreemanCastlemaine, Victoria, AustraliaLike Butter |
117 - No time for tracking
Nov 12 2024
117 - No time for tracking
Jem and Justin explore custom configurator development, shop equipment decisions, and tool inspection methods. They answer a bunch of listener questions, discuss transitioning from premium software to DIY solutions, debate the value of time-tracking systems, and share insights on KPI tracking for small manufacturing businesses. Side conversations cover Google Voice limitations and the merits of microscopes for tool inspection.Watch on YoutubeDISCUSSED:✍️ Send Comments on EpisodeKPIsDXF for Laser Fusion PluginOpendeskCodyKittaParts config $$$Comment to DM - KP?Hammock-ingJet 712 👎Kicked off PS2Blackhole issue, not an issue 😒Debriefing ProjectsGet a MicroscopeQuestionsjktableco - Separate phone line for the business? Whole phone or just an app to add it to your phone.jktableco - Hiring help or professionals, CPA, marketing, website, etc.debrisbrooms - What is Justin going to buy to one up Jem’s fryer? Any other non-trad tools in the shops?marc_demontigny - How much looking back at how long things actually took to CAM or cut do you do, and if you do, how do you do it?marc_demontigny - You incorporate that into future projects?CNCcut.Melbourne - Any tips to check if a used tool is sharp or blunt? Do you track tool usage in any way? - Lee---Profit First PlaylistClassic Episodes Playlist---SUPPORT THE SHOWBecome a Patreon - Get the Secret ShowReview on Apple Podcast Share with a FriendDiscuss on Show SubredditShow InfoShow WebsiteContact Jem & JustinInstagram | Tiktok | Facebook | YoutubePlease note: Show notes contains affiliate...